

带押韵的英文句子 精选58句

1、Don't forget the past when you succeed; When you fail, don't forget that there is a future.


3、Lightning never strikes in the same place. People shouldn't be hurt twice in the same way. All the easy roads are downhill. Tomorrow is not necessarily better, but a better tomorrow will come.


5、Never overestimate their weight in the hearts of others, learn to stop losses in time, don't hope, don't expect, don't expect, don't expect others, tell yourself to be strong! I dare to fight because of despair.

6、Life has never been easy, it's just that we become stronger. Don't talk lightly about who you are paying and sacrificing for. In fact, the ultimate beneficiaries of all your paying and sacrificing are yourself. Even if life has a thousand reasons to make you cry, you have to find a reason to make yourself laugh. Life is an independent practice that has nothing to do with anyone. This is a path of sadness and joy. There must be a gift at the end of the road. It depends on whether you deserve it or not.


8、Life is like a roller coaster. There are peaks and valleys, which means that whether it is good or bad, it is only temporary. Work when awake, read when confused, sleep when angry, and think when alone The road is chosen by yourself, so even if you fall and get hurt in the future, you should learn to bear and heal yourself. We all learn to grow up like this.


10、Make the best today, review the best yesterday and welcome the best tomorrow.

11、Behind all time management is good habits, and behind the formation of good habits is amazing willpower.












23、He who sows with tears will reap with a smile.


25、I just want my efforts to be worthy of my dream.


27、The troubles of youth can only be solved by growth; Only growth can break through the bottleneck of development.



30、Life is only beautiful, not brilliant.


32、As long as people have a belief and pursuit, they can endure any hardship and adapt to any environment. Ding Ling.

33、The environment will never be perfect. Negative people are controlled by the environment, while positive people control the environment.

34、Some people stand idly by and refuse to shed a drop of sweat when you sow hard, but when you harvest, they share your fruits without shame for various reasons. When you read him, don't be disgusted, because someone is willing to share the sweetness of the harvest with you. No matter what kind of psychology he has, he should be welcomed. You make a little sacrifice, but you fulfill a person's desire for performance. Slowly, he will learn some self-esteem and self love.



37、Brave men fight out of the waves without sinking, and cowards drown in the calm.



40、Smile to life, smile to others, how to cultivate will be how to harvest.

41、Every day now is the youngest day in the rest of your life.

42、Frustration is a stumbling block for the weak and a stepping stone for the strong.


44、People are not afraid to walk in the dark, they are afraid of no sunshine in their hearts.

45、May you be like that lime. The more others pour cold water on you, the more boiling you are.



48、The three worst bowls of noodles in life: human face, human face and scene.

49、Fate is always in your own hands. Complaining is just a sign of cowardice; Hard work is the attitude of life.

50、I think I will keep smiling and continue to walk my unfinished road.



53、Don't let the future you hate yourself now.

54、Sunshine is different because of different mood; Green leaves are different because of different wind directions. Life is like this. Life will face different choices. No matter what your choice is, please don't forget: the road is made by yourself, and happiness is created by yourself.


56、If you are not willing to make a temporary effort to win success, you may have to bear failure with a lifetime of patience.

57、No one's road is plain sailing. As long as you choose your own road, you can't regret it.


带押韵的英文句子 精选51句





5、A person who can think is a person with boundless power.

6、The footprints in the desert soon disappeared, but the progressive songs stirred in the hearts of the trekkers for a long time.


8、A man without foresight must have immediate worries. When people are good, they should find a spare tire, and when people are bad, they should find a way out; When people are proud, they should find a way out, and when people are frustrated, they should find a way out.


10、Think twice in everything, but what is more important than thinking twice is to act twice.


12、With love, you can hate, not carelessly.







19、No matter how bad things happen today, you shouldn't feel sad. A lifetime is not long. Forgive everyone and everything before going to bed every night.

20、To live a beautiful life requires great patience, one does not complain, the other does not explain. Absolutely a talent. Metamorphosis.




24、No matter how hard and tired you are, as long as you keep moving forward, your scenery will eventually appear.


26、Winners never give up, and quitters never succeed.


28、When your talent can't support your ambition, you should calm down and study.

29、People with real temperament never show off what they have.

30、What can make us tired is not the distance of the road, but the depression of our mind; What can make us indifferent is not the grinding of growth rings, but the cooling of fighting spirit. The most important thing for us is to keep flying dream, striving persistence, happy feelings and boiling blood. Don't change yourself against your heart for the so-called love. Love doesn't depend on how much you change, but how long you stick to it.

31、If the blade is afraid of hurting itself and does not contact the grindstone, it will never be sharp.


33、Those who have many desires are often dissatisfied, and dissatisfaction will lead to disaster; Those who are satisfied are always happy, happy and auspicious.

34、No matter how long the road is, you can finish it step by step. No matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without your feet. The ears that grow around our brain often control our brain. Success is not something that will happen in the future, but something that will continue to accumulate from the moment you decide to do it.


36、Those who attribute their luck too much to their intelligence and resourcefulness mostly end up with a very unfortunate outcome.


38、The best way to deal with life is not compromise, but adaptation. Jim Mel.



41、Life is a one-way journey. Even if we have some regrets, we don't have a chance to start over. Instead of tangle with the past that can't be changed, we'd better cherish the future with a smile. If you have a small mind, you will have more troubles, a large mind and rich wisdom.

42、There is only one way you can't choose - the way to give up; There is only one way to refuse - that is the way to grow.


44、From then on, look down on everything and ignore it. Start over.

45、Everyone is unique. As long as you believe in yourself, you can create a different world. Try as a habit, not three minutes of heat.

46、Many times, unhappiness is not because the conditions for happiness are not complete, but because life is not simple enough.



49、Life is hard to rise and fall, but we should live a strong life.



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